The Holy No Book

I notice a well-intended but misguided over-avoidance of “negativity” in play among thoughtful, sensitive, and spiritual people everywhere. Many resist saying no so as not to hurt or offend. Chronic boundary-tramplers and acter-outers seem to beg for limits through their inappropriate behavior, and suffer in their inability to regulate themselves. Yet even more perversely, many “spiritual” people adopt a belief that saying no, or setting sensible limits, is somehow unspiritual, selfish, or unloving—heading past healthy self-reflection and responsibility, and charging straight into the contortions of bypassing and denial.

Missed opportunities, all. Saying no with compassion and respect, at a time when a no is naturally called for, may be the highest available expression of love available in that moment. Many in this culture seem to believe that saying yes to things that don’t actually work for them is somehow kinder, or even more spiritual. But I propose a reexamination of the soundness of those underlying dynamics—for the other person, let alone for ourselves.

Sometimes, saying no is the most all-around loving choice we can make. For anyone who has forgotten or who never learned, this book will spell out the whys and the hows of saying those Holy Nos, for the highest good of all.


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