Intuitive Consultant

Intuitive Readings and Coaching

I am a natural, clairsentient intuitive. I just know things! But I don’t mean mentally. The just-knowing is experienced as very subtle physical sensations, or what I think of as energetic signatures. It shows up through inner imagery, synchronicities, or sudden insights or downloads—distinct from any thought-stream. Working with others, physical sensations that align with the client’s experience (or block) will often appear in my own system.

When we’re listening for it, intuitive data can arise though every sensory field, as well as any internal or “external” cue. This is not some kind of superpower. It seems to me that we all have access to intuitive guidance. The energetic data is literally everywhere; it might just be a more subtle form of information than most of us have learned to notice and work with. In any case, I don’t think I can see or know anything that you don’t see or know on some level, and one of my goals as an intuitive consultant is to help connect you with these inner resources.

About the sessions:

When we tune in together in a session, there’s an energy of mutual resonance and presence, and insights and breakthroughs arise in the shared field we open together. It’s a joint activity: you, me, and the Divine—or Awareness Itself, Life, Love… your choice! The words are just pointers.

Sometimes, members of your spiritual support team will make themselves and their messages known. Sometimes, a loved one who has passed will come to connect with and support you.

Mostly, you and I will have a very penetrating conversation: I will feel into and reflect what arises in your own system when you make your inquiries (including about your relationships). You might feel very seen. There’s often laughter. Tears, too! But it’s all about the pure relief of letting down our protective patterns, and allowing things be seen—to be—just as they are.

One-off sessions are always available, to look into something specific, or just as a general check-in. Some come for periodic tune-ups. Another option is regular sessions, or coaching, in a repeating time slot. Some clients prefer regular sessions with me to therapy! And I’m here for that, as long as there are no issues requiring that other sort of expertise.

Intuitive sessions and coaching are also available as follow-up care and further integration following a healing medicine journey.

Please reach out with any questions, or go straight to my appointment booking page on Calendly. An Intuitive Reading session is 60-75 minutes long, plus 30-60 minutes pre-session tune-in time for me. Your energy exchange/investment is on a sliding scale: $80 - $130, which I ask to be offered on the day of our meeting. I'm on PayPal, Venmo and Zelle. More info here.

This deeply co-resonant work delights and inspires me. If it feels right to you, I look very much forward to connecting in this way.

When I begin a session with Eliza, I am usually bracing myself for doing the difficult work of exploring uncharted parts of myself. That’s why I come to her. I feel brave and ready. Yet, I invariably end a session laughing with her and joyfully accepting the work that has come to me in a seemingly effortless way! It’s like she is standing in a perpetual shower of benevolence and joy and I get to stand in that with her while we work together. Like a glorious contact high. Eliza has an exceptional ability to read and understand the complex recipe of where I am and what I need in a guide. She is deeply respectful of what I bring to any encounter and yet completely confident to turn me toward things I am unable to see or have yet to take on in my growth journey. Doing this level of soul work takes profound trust. You won’t find a guide more worthy of that trust than Eliza Cavanaugh.
— Sheila S, Massachusetts
I reached out to Eliza from a place of deep grief and disorientation following the death of a parent. I had never received an intuitive reading or anything of the sort before, so I was undoubtedly awkward and unsure of what to expect. If you’re reading this, maybe you’re feeling something similar. The thing about Eliza is she’s a pro, she’s been working with people a long time, and she will walk you through your unique experience with clarity, reassurance, and mpowerment. At a time when I was completely shattered, she helped me understand a wholeness in myself that I wasn’t able to see before. But it’s not like Eliza just presents you with a bouquet of “a-ha” moments — it’s more like she helps you till and plant a garden within, and over time you notice new, unexpected shoots of wisdom pop up out of the grounds she walked with you. The gifts she offers just keep on giving, and I will treasure them forever. THANK YOU, ELIZA!
— Ashley, Massachusetts
Readings with Eliza have been so helpful to me. At stressful times in my life, Eliza’s non-judgmental, loving demeanor and
comforting interpretation of events have given me peace and enabled me to better process life’s inevitable challenges. I highly recommend both the online and in-person readings.
— J.V., Chester VT
I have been lucky enough to know Eliza Cavanaugh for 4 years. During that time, she has shown me again and again how deep and precise her intuition is. She has never let me down, never disappointed, always has enlightened.
There are many today who call themselves psychics or healers, but one has to take care that there is a real gift underneath the claim. Eliza is the real deal! I do not doubt her ability or sensitivity, and I always know that even if I feel like I am getting into a jam, Eliza will guide me to clarity. She has helped me so much, in so many ways, and I can’t imagine a challenge that she would not meet head on, with genuine expertise. She was put on this earth to help with healing wherever the need presents.
I am blessed and honored that Eliza is a part of my life, and don’t plan to ever let her go! Together we have faced and processed some traumas in my past that I never thought would be healed. Guess what? I was wrong! She found the pathway every time.
— T.B. Berkshire County, MA
Eliza is a bundle of spacious abundance (is that redundant?) She doesn’t take whatever ails you off your hands
That’s for you to experience and learn & grow through She simply and gracefully lightens the load It’s a pleasure to work with her
— Ronda L